
Zyklopia #13: Ohne Titel

Verworfenes motiv. Panik im wald? warum, wovor ?

Dismissed subject. Panic in the woods? why? what the f***?

Fineliner on stationery, 2007.


Zyklopia #11: Sindelar vs. Smistik

Austria gegen Rapid im Traditionsdress.

Matthias Sindelar ( 1903-1939 ) vs. Josef "Pepi" Smistik ( 1905-1985 ).
Sindelar, dressed in the traditional colours of Austria Wien, was a centre-
forward and the best austrian soccer player ever. Smistik, a midfielder, was
also part of the so called "Wunderteam" of the early 30s.

Acrylic on canvas, 60 x 90 cms, 2007


Zyklopia #10: Hubertus

St.Hubertus, der hl.patron der jäger.

St.Hubert, patron-saint of the hunting population.

Acrylic on canvas, 60 x 90 cms, 2007.


Histoire et Utopie

Nach "Histoire et Utopie" ( 1950 ) von Emile Cioran. Das zitat ist verkürzt:
"Vivre véritablement, c'est refuser les autres; pour les accepter, il faut
savoir renoncer, se faire violence, agir contre sa propre nature,


Sketchbook/Zeichenbuch #8: Inflation

Wien in den 20er Jahren, die grosse inflation.

Rough translation: Do you smell this? Someone is burning MONEY!


Sketchbook/Zeichenbuch #7: 10 Deutsche

Mathematik mit Heiner Müller.
Do the math with Heiner Müller: Ten germans are more stupid
than five germans.


Zyklopia #4: Italy, Arizona

Die, you ugly monster!
Eine erinnerung an die wunderbare welt der spaghetti-western.
Acrylic on canvas, 120 x 100 cms, 2007.


Serious Junk #1: Einzelhaft

Textzeile aus dem Falco-Song "Einzelhaft".
Without having been alive, you also die.

Acrylic on canvas, 80 x 80 cms, 2009.